
Wrap your component in battle armor with React Testing Library and Typescript

Preparing a dynamic text element input against both developers and users

Here's a hefty overview on using Typescript and React Testing Library to improve the code quality of a dynamic input element component.

The pieces that make up browser caching

Stop hating brower cache and learn to love it!

To start learning to love and understand caching, let's take a look at it's pieces and what sort of problems caching is trying to solve when it comes to user asking for a web page.

A light introduction to web components

Component based developer with browser APIs

hat are web components? They are a set of browser APIs that give the developer the ability to create reusable customizable elements within a web application. A browser native way of designing sites in a similar way to using a JS framework.

Adding GraphQL to your skill list

A comparison between RESTful APIs and GraphQL

It took me three years to learn how RESTful APIs work and how to build them — and that's a long time to learn something. So when I first read about GraphQL, I could feel the world crashing down around me. It was frustrating at first.

Avoiding the global scope with the revealing module pattern

The top way to make your JavaScript code more secure"

I am guilty of writing global variables. That’s not something I’m proud to admit, but it’s the truth. When I started programming, relying on the global space seemed like the most sensible approach

The power of the map method

Go all mad scientist on your arrays

I first came across the map method about a year ago in a React.js application. In the app, this method iterated over this.props.someArray and ran a callback function that spit that data into some JSX code.